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25 Years of Comparative Values Surveys [Yilmaz Esmer and Thorleif Pettersson, editors.] |
A Clash of Civilizations? Preferences for Religious Political Leaders in 86 Nations [Nate Breznau, Valerie A. Lykes, Jonathan Kelley, M. D. R. Evans] |
A Tale of Culture-Bound Regime Evolution: The Centennial Democratic Trend and Its Recent Reversal (Appendix to the article) [Christian Welzel, Lennart Brunkert, Stefan Kruse] |
A World of Three Cultures [Miguel E. Basáñez and Foreword by Ronald F. Inglehart] |
Agency, Values, and Well-Being: A Human Development Model [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
America's Crisis of Values [Wayne E. Baker] |
Are Levels of Democracy Affected by Mass Attitudes? [Welzel, C.] |
Attitudes Toward Democracy: Mexico in Comparative Perspective. [Moreno, A. & Méndez, P.] |
Authority orientations and democratic attitudes in East Asia: a test of the 'Asian Values' hypothesis [Dalton, R. J. & Ong, Nhu-Ngoc] |
Authority Orientations and Political Support: A Cross-national Analysis of Satisfaction with Governments and Democracy. [Nevitte, N. & Kanji, M.] |
Basic Values and Civic Education - A comparative analysis of adolescent orientations towards gender equality and good citizenship [Pettersson, T.] |
Before the Emergence of Critical Citizens: Economic Development and Political Trust in China [Wang, Zhengxu] |
Citizen-making: The role of national goals for socializing children. [Michael Harris Bond, Vivian Miu-Chi Lun] |
Civil Society and Social Capital in Vietnam [Dalton, R. J. & Ong, Nhu-Ngoc] |
Climatoeconomic Roots of Survival Versus Self-expression Cultures [Van de Vliert, E.] |
Closer to the East or the West? [Rádai, E. & Tóth, I. G.] |
Commentary on Widmalm: A Rebuttal [Welzel, C., Inglehart, R. & Deutsch, F.] |
Corruption and Democracy: A Cultural Assessment [Moreno, A.] |
Corruption, Culture, and Communism [Sandholtz, W. & Taagepera, R.] |
Cultural Barriers to Women's Leadership: A Worldwide Comparison [Inglehart, R. & Norris, P.] |
Cultural Change, Slow and Fast: The Distinctive Trajectory of Norms Governing Gender Equality and Sexual Orientation [Ronald F. Inglehart, Eduard Ponarin, Ronald C. Inglehart] |
Cultural Evolution [Ronald Inglehart] |
Changing Mass Priorities: The Link between Modernization and Democracy [Inglehart, R. & Welzel, C.] |
Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970 to 2006 [Inglehart, R. F.] |
Changing Values in the Islamic World and the West: Social Tolerance and the Arab Spring [Ronald Inglehart] |
Changing Values, Persisting Cultures [Edited by Thorleif Pettersson and Yilmaz Esmer] |
Declining Willingness to Fight in Wwars: The Individual-level Basis of the Long Peace [Ronald F. Inglehart, Bi Puranen, Christian Welzel] |
Democracy and Markets: Citizen Values in the Pacific Rim Region [Dalton, R. J. & Ong, Nhu-Ngoc] |
Democracy and Political Culture in Eastern Europe [by Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Editor), Dieter Fuchs (Editor), Jan Zielonka (Editor)] |
Democracy Misunderstood: Authoritarian Notions of Democracy around the Globe (online appendix to the article) [Welzel, C., Kirsch, H.] |
Democratic Aspirations and Democratic Ideals: Citizen Orientations toward Democracy in East Asia [Dalton, R. J. & Doh Chull Shin] |
Democratic Institutions and Political Culture: Misconceptions in Addressing the Ecological Fallacy [Inglehart, R. & Welzel, C.] |
Democratization [Edited by Christian Haerpfer, Patrick Bernhagen, Ronald F Inglehart, and Christian Welzel] |
Democratization as an Emancipative Process [Welzel, C.] |
Democratization as the Growth of Freedom: The Human Development Perspective [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
Democratization in the Human Development Perspective [Welzel, C.] |
Demokratisierung und Freiheitsstreben: Die Perspektive der Humanentwicklung [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
Development and Democracy: What We Know about Modernization Today [Inglehart, R. & Welzel, C.] |
Development, Freedom and Rising Happiness: A Global Perspective 1981-2007 [Inglehart, R., Foa, R., Peterson, C. & Welzel, C.] |
Do Islamic Orientations Influence Attitudes Toward Democracy in the Arab World? - Evidence from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Algeria [Tessler, M.] |
Dynamics of Cultural Change: The Human Development Perspective [Abdollahian, Mark, Travis Coan, Hana Oh, and Birol Yesilada] |
Effective democracy, mass culture, and the quality of elites: The human development perspective [Welzel, C.] |
Emancipative Values and Democracy: Response to Hadenius and Teorell [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
Examining the relation of religion and spirituality to subjective well-being across national cultures [Lun, Vivian Miu-Chi; Bond, Michael Harris] |
Exploring the Unknown: Predicting the Responses of Publics not yet Surveyed [Inglehart, R. & Welzel, C.] |
Freedom Rising: Human Empowerment and the Quest for Emancipation [Welzel, Christian] |
Gender Egalitarism [] |
Gender Equality and Democracy [Inglehart, R., Norris, P., & Welzel, C.] |
Genes, Culture, Democracy, and Happiness [Inglehart, R. & Klingemann, H-D.] |
Genetic Factors, Cultural Predispositions, Happiness and Gender Equality [Ronald F. Inglehart, Svetlana Borinskaya, Anna Cotter, Jaanus Jarro, Ronald C. Inglehart, Eduard Ponarin, Christian Welzel] |
Giving Up on God: The Global Decline of Religion [Inglehart, R.] |
Global Power Transition and the Future of the European Union [Birol A. Yeşilada, Jacek Kugler, Gaspare Genna, Osman Göktuğ Tanrıkulu] |
Globalization and Postmodern Values [Inglehart, R.] |
How do They Look at Us? [Samir Abu Rumman] |
How Selfish Are Self-Expression Values? A Civicness Test [Welzel, C.] |
Individual Modernity [Welzel, C.] |
Intergenerational Differences in Political Values and Attitudes in Stable and New Democracies [Siemienska, R.] |
Internet Appedix to the article by Alexander A.C. & C. Welzel [Alexander, A. C., & Welzel, C.] |
Is There an Islamic Civilization? [Esmer, Y.] |
Islam & the West: Testing the Clash of Civilizations Thesis [Norris, P. & Inglehart, R.] |
Islam and global governance - Orientations towards the United Nations and Human Rights among four Islamic societies and four Western [Pettersson, T.] |
Islamic attitudes and the support for Gender Equality and Democracy in Seven Arab Countries, and the role of anti-‐Western feelings [Spierings, Niels] |
La escala de postmaterialismo como medida del cambio de valores en las sociedadas contemporanéas [Díez-Nicolás, J.] |
La felicidad de las naciones [Marita Carballo] |
Liberal Democracy and Peace in South Africa [Kotzé, H., du Toit, Pierre] |
Liberalism, Postmaterialism, and the Growth of Freedom [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
Mass Beliefs and Democratization [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
Mexico's Evolving Democracy [J.Dominguez, K. Greene, Ch. Lawson, A. Moreno, eds.] |
Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy [R.Inglehart & C.Welzel] |
Modernization, Cultural Change, and the Persistence of Traditional Values [Inglehart, R. & Baker, W. E.] |
Modernization, Existential Security and Cultural Change: Reshaping Human Motivations and Society [Ronald Inglehart] |
Muslims and Democracy - An empirical critique of Fukuyama's culturalist approach [al-Braizat, F.] |
Political Culture and Democracy: Analyzing Cross-Level Linkages [Inglehart, R. & Welzel, C.] |
Postmaterialism and the Social Ecosystem [Díez Nicolás, J.] |
Religion, democratic values and political conflict [Y. Esmer, H. Klingemann, B. Puranen, editors] |
Religion’s Sudden Decline. Why It’s Happening and What Comes Next [Inglehart, R.] |
Religous Parties and Politics in Pakistan [Tanwir, F.] |
Revising the Value Shift Hypothesis: A descriptive Analysis of South Africa's Value Priorities between 1990 and 2001. [Kotzé, H. & Lombard, K.] |
Rising Tide [Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris] |
Sacred and Secular [Pippa Norris, Ronald Inglehart] |
Social Capital, Voluntary Associations and Collective Action: Which Aspects of Social Capital Have the Greatest [Welzel, C., Inglehart, R. & Deutsch, F.] |
Social position, information and postmaterialism [Díez Nicolás, J.] |
Social Relations and Social Capital in Vietnam: Findings from the 2001 World Values Survey [Dalton, R. J., Pham Minh Hac, Pham Thanh Nghi and Ong, Nhu-Ngoc T] |
Social Relations and Social Capital in Vietnam: The 2001 World Values Survey [Dalton, R. J., Pham Minh Hac, Pham Thanh Nghi & Ong, Nhu-Ngoc T] |
Socio-Cultural Differences in Social Exclusion [Diez-Nicolas, J., Lopez-Narbona, A.-M.] |
Strengthening Electoral Integrity: The Pragmatic Case for Assistance [Pippa Norris] |
Subjective Security in Spain: Building a Syntethical Security Index (SSSI) [Juan Díez Nicolás] |
Subjective well-being rankings of 82 societies (based on combined Happiness and Life Satisfaction scores) [Inglehart, R.] |
TABLES: Before the Emergence of Critical Citizens: Economic Development and Political Trust in China [Wang, Zhengxu] |
TABLES: The Social Transformation of Trust in Government [Dalton, R. J.] |
Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y politicos [Diez Nicolas, J., Inglehart, R., eds.] |
The Civic Culture Transformed [under edition of Russel Dalton and Christian Welzel in honor of Ronald Inglehart] |
The China Puzzle: Declining Happiness in a Rising Economy [Brockmann, H., J. Delhay, H. Yuan & Welzel, C.] |
The Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough [Alesina, A., Giuliano, P. & Nunn, N.] |
The relations between religion and politics in the contemporary Western world: The impact of secularization, postmodernization and peoples' basic value orientations [Pettersson, T.] |
The Role of Ordinary People in Democratization [Welzel, C. & Inglehart, R.] |
The Silent Revolution in Reverse [Inglehart, R., Miller, J., Woods, L.] |
The Social Transformation of Trust in Government [Dalton, R. J.] |
The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis [Welzel, C., Inglehart, R. & Klingemann, H-D.] |
The Vietnamese Public in Transition, The World Values Survey: Vietnam 2001 [Dalton, R. J. & Ong, Nhu-Ngoc T] |
The Worldviews of Islamic Publics in Global Perspective [Inglehart, R.] |
The Worldviews of Islamic Publics: The Cases of Egypt, Iran, and Jordan [Moaddel, M. & Azadarmaki, Taqhi] |
Theories of Democratization [Welzel, C.] |
Trends in Political Action: The Developmental Trend and the Post-Honeymoon Decline [Inglehart, R. & Catterberg, G.] |
Trump and the Xenophobic Populist Parties: The Silent Revolution in Reverse [Ronald Inglehart, Pippa Norris] |
Two Contradictory Hypotheses on Globalization: Societal Convergence or Civilization Differentiation and Clash [Díez-Nicolás, J.] |
Value Change in Latin America/ El cambio de valores en América Latina [Marita Carballo and Alejandro Moreno. Eds.] |
Value Priorities in Israeli Society: An Examination of Inglehart's Theory of Modernization and Cultural Variation. [Yuchtman-Ya'ar, E.] |
Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics [Mansoor Moaddell, ed.] |
Voting in Old and New Democracies [by Richard Gunther (Editor), Paul A. Beck (Editor), Pedro C. Magalhães (Editor), Alejandro Moreno (Editor)] |
What Insights can Multi-Country Surveys Provide about People and Societies? [Inglehart, Ronald and Welzel, Christian] |
Why Are Women Politically Active? - The Household, Public Space, and Political Participation in India [Chhibber, P.] |
Why Elections Fail [Pippa Norris] |
Why Electoral Integrity Matters [Pippa Norris] |
Why the Future is Democratic [Welzel, C.] |