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Analyzing National Change in Citizen Secularism Across Four Time Periods in the World Values Surveys [Li, Liman Man Wai & Bond, Michael H.] |
Clashing Values: Cultural and Geopolitical Transformations of Post-Cold War Europe [Akaliyski, P., Welzel, C.] |
Context Matters - The Effect of National-Level Factors on the Relationship between Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Individuals on Their Life-Satisfaction [Eichhorn, J.] |
Cultural Differences on Values about Conflict, War, and Peace [Díez-Nicolás, J.] |
Does Individual Secularism Promote Life Satisfaction? The Moderating Role of Societal Development [Li, Liman Man Wai & Bond, Michael H.] |
Dynamics of Cultural Change: The Human Development Perspective [Abdollahian, M., Coan, T., Oh, H., Yesilada, B.] |
Economic Individualism and Government Spending [Arikan, G.] |
Evidencing and Explaining Democratic Congruence: The Perspective of Substantive Democracy [Welzel, C., Klingemann, H.-D.] |
Evolution, Empowerment and Emancipation [Welzel, C.] |
Examining Environmental Concern in Developed, Transitioning and Developing Countries - A Cross-Country Test of the Objective Problems and the Subjective Values Explanations [Running, K.] |
Forms of Civic Engagement and Corruption: Disentangling the Roles of Voluntary Associations, Elite challenging Mass Movements and the Type of Trust within Social Networks [Griesshaber, N.] |
From Materialist to Postmaterialist Happiness? [Delhey, J.] |
Generalizing Trust - How Outgroup-Trust Grows Beyond Ingroup-Trust [Delhey, J., Welzel, C.] |
Human Empowerment before Prosperity and Liberty [Blackmore, S.; van Eyden, R.] |
Islam and Patriarchy: How Robust is Muslim Support for Patriarchal Values? [Alexander, A.C. & Welzel, C.] |
Mapping the Cooperative Landscape: Spatializing an Intangible Social Capital Variable [Witte, A.E., Tensaout, M.] |
Measurement Equivalence? A Tale of False Obsessions and a Cure [Welzel, C., L. Brunkert, R. Inglehart & S. Kruse] |
Measuring Effective Democracy: A Defense [Alexander, A.C., Inglehart, R. & Welzel, C.] |
Measuring Effective Democracy: The Human Empowerment Approach [Welzel, C., Alexander A.C.] |
Misconceptions of Measurement Equivalence: Time for a Paradigm Shift [Welzel, C.; Inglehart, R.] |
Nationalism, Liberalism and Human Nature: What Mearsheimer Gets Wrong [WIECHNIK, S.] |
Peace Through Integration or Peace Through Separation? [Reher, S.] |
Pitfalls in the Study of Democratization. Testing the Emancipatory Theory of Democracy [Welzel, C.; Inglehart, R.; Kruse, S.] |
Religiosity and Attitudes towards the Involvement of Religious Leaders in Politics [Mueller, T.] |
Religious Regimes and Prospects for Liberal Politics: Futures of Iran, Iraq, and Saudi-Arabia [Moaddel, M.] |
Rethinking Measurement Equivalence: Why Non-Invariance Doesn’t Always Mean Incomparability [Zhirkov, K.; Welzel, C.] |
Social Modernization and Political Tolerance in America [Dalton, Russell. J.] |
Testing the Revised Theory of Modernization: Measurement and Explanatory Aspects [Dülmer, H.; Inglehart, R.; Welzel, C.] |
The Dynamics of Migrants’ Values and their Relations with Human Development (1981 – 2014) [PIER FRANCESCO DE MARIA] |
The Power of the Family: New Data Reveal the Role of the Historical Family as the Instigator of Disparate and Lasting Developmental Trajectories [Szoltysek, M., Poniat, R.] |
The Road to Progressive Political Institutions: Revisiting the Link between Education and Democracy [Peyper, C.; van Eyden, R.; Blackmore, S.] |
Two Contradictory Hypotheses on Globalization: Societal Convergence or Civilizational Differentiation? [Diez-Nicolás, J.] |
Unity, Plurality and/or Hybridity? Assessing the Global Pattern of Political Cultures [Schubert, S.] |
Value Structures and Dimensions: Evidence from the German WVS [Held, M., Mueller, J., Deutsch, F., Grzechnik, E., Welzel C.] |
Values, Repression, and Subversion [Zavadkaya M., Welzel C.] |
World Values Survey Response and Behavior. Emancipative and Secular Values Predict Cooperation, Protection of Property and Pro-Social Behavior [Kistler, D.; Thöni, C.; Welzel, C.] |