

God in the modern world. A Sociological Analysis by Marita Carballo, 2020
Religion’s Sudden Decline. Why It’s Happening and What Comes Next by Ronald Inglehart, 2021
Los Valores Sociales y culturales by Juan Diez Nicolas, 2020



Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism by Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart, 2019
Cultural Evolution by Ronald Inglehart, 2018
Global Power Transition and the Future of the European Union by Birol Yesilada, Jacek Kugler, Gaspare Genna, Osman Goktug Tanrikulu, 2018



Strengthening Electoral Integrity: The Pragmatic Case for Assistance by Pippa Norris, 2017
How do They Look at Us? ... Islam and Muslims in World Opinion Polls by Samir Abu Rumman, 2016
A World of Three Cultures by Miguel E. Basanez and Foreword by Ronald F. Inglehart, 2016



Why Elections Fail by Pippa Norris, 2015
La felicidad de las naciones by Marita Carballo, 2015
The Civic Culture Transformed: from Allegiant to assertive Citizens by Russell Dalton & Chris Welzel, eds., 2015



Voting in Old and New Democracies by Richard Gunther, Paul A. Beck, Pedro C. Magalhães, Alejandro Moreno, eds., 2015
Why Electoral Integrity Matters by Pippa Norris, 2014
Freedom Rising: Human Empowerment and the Quest for Emancipation by Christian Welzel, 2014



Mexico's Evolving Democracy: A Comparative Study of the 2012 Elections by J.Dominguez, K. Greene, Ch. Lawson, A. Moreno, eds., 2014
Changing Values in Latin America by Marita Carballo and Alejandro Moreno, eds., 2013
Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide by Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart, 2012


A Clash of Civilizations? Preferences for Religious Political Leaders in 86 Nations by Nate Breznau, Valerie A. Lykes, Jonathan Kelley, M. D. R. Evans, 2011
Liberal Democracy and Peace in South Africa by Hennie Kotze, 2011
Religion, democratic values and political conflict by Y. Esmer, H. Klingemann, B.Puranen, eds., 2009



Democratization by C.Haerpfer, R.Inglehart, C.Welzel, eds, 2009
Changing Values, Persisting Cultures by Yilmaz Esmer & Thorleif Pettersson, eds., 2007
Measuring and Mapping Culture: 25 Years of Comparative Values Surveys by Yilmaz Esmer & Thorleif Pettersson, eds., 2007



Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics by Mansoor Moaddell, ed., 2007
Democracy and Political Culture in Eastern Europe by H-D.Klingemann, D. Fuchs & J. Zielonka, 2006
Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy: the Human Development Sequence by R.Inglehart & C.Welzel, 2005



Human Beliefs and Values: A Cross-cultural Sourcebook Based on the 1999-2002 Values Surveys by Ronald Inglehart, 2004
Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys by Ronald Inglehart, 2003
Valores Culturales Al Cambio De Milenio by Marita Carballo, 2002



Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies by Ronald Inglehart, 1997
Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y politicos by Juan Diez-Nicolas & Ronald Inglehart, eds., 1994
Que pensamos los argentines by Marita Carballo, 1987