Teaching, Coaching

The WVS-affiliated Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg and Moscow is the WVS's major capacity building facility. Directed by EC member Eduard Ponarin, the LCSR conducted the WVS in Russia and several post-Soviet countries. In close consultation with founding president Ronald Inglehart and Vice-President Christian Welzel, the LCSR coaches several dozen young researchers from Russia, the ex-communist world and beyond in analyzing WVS data. For this purpose, the LCSR conducts yearly workshops in spring and fall as well as a summer school.

Another WVS-affiliated teaching and capacity building center - the International Seminar "World Values Survey"- has been opened in 2017 at the University of Almeria. The International Seminar will promote development of social research and establishment of research centers in the social sciences in the countries of the Mediterranean region. This unit focuses on social research and capacity building in social sciences in close cooperation with the WVS Association. The Seminar started its activities in Fall 2017 with a pilot teaching course based on the WVS survey data. The Seminar is also using its activities to promote the 7th (2017-2021) wave of the World Values ​​Survey in Southern Europe and North Africa. Activities of the Seminar are coordinated by Professors Juan Diez-Nicolas and Pilar Rodriguez.



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