Leadership of WVS held series of meetings with chief management of Silatech
WVSA is strengthening partnership relations with organizations and foundations that are providing financial and organizational support to WVS in its research and other activities in different world countries and regions. The new constitution of WVSA that was accepted at the General Assembly session in April, 2014 in Doha, Qatar provides legal basis for this and allows granting to these organizations title of “Affiliate Institution of the World Values Survey Association”. Establishment of new partnership relations with world leading foundations and think tanks will contribute to active dissemination of outcomes of WVS wave 6 and successful realizations of WVS wave 7 in 2017.
Silatech is a dynamic social initiative that works to create job and expand opportunities for young people throughout the Arab world. The company is relatively young and was founded in 2008. However, as of 2014 Silatech is covering with its programs already 13 Arab countries. The mission of the organization is to connect young people with improved opportunities for employment, enterprise and civic engagement. The company does this by mobilizing knowledge, investment, technology and networks, and by influencing mindsets and policies that are key to unlocking wider impact.
Silatech funded 6 national surveys in the WVS wave 6 in the countries of MENA region (Algeria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia and Yemen) and sponsored the 2014 WVS General Assembly in Doha, Qatar. WVSA and Silatech are looking forward to further development of partnership relations, organization of joint scientific and public relations events, workshops, conferences.

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