30 abr 2014

WVS General Assembly meeting in Doha, Qatar, April, 2014

On April, 27-29 WVS conducted 2014 Global Conference and General Assembly. The event consisted of three interrelated parts: workshop “Politics and society in the MENA region” (April, 27), WVS General Assembly (April, 28), Global Conference “Values and societies between stability & change” (April, 30).

Event took place at the University of Qatar (Doha, Qatar) ( and was organized with the organizational and financial support of SESRI research institute ( and Silatech (

WVS expresses its gratitude to Dr.Darwish Al-Emadi and Dr.Nader Kabbani who were representing respectful institutions at the conference.

WVSA General Assembly session was conducted on April, 28 and started with the welcoming speech of the President of WVS Prof. Christian Haerpfer Christian “The history and future of the World Values Survey. A programme for the 21st century”.

At the General Assembly session members of the Executive Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee and Principal Investigators discussed the vectors of future development of WVS as well as the eventual Amendment to the constitution of the WVS. One of major achievements of this GA of WVSA is the acceptance of the new constitution of WVS.

At the end of the GA session the new web-site was presented to all the conference participants and guests by the Director of WVS Data-archive Jaime Diez-Medrano.

The launch of the new web-site included also the release of WVS 6 data-set.

Final event of the General Assembly was the Workshop on WVS survey methodology and quality control chaired by Chair of Scientific Advisory Committee Dr.Marta Lagos and represented by open discussion of all Principal Investigators and guests. Other WVS SAC members who guided the discussion were Prof. Juan Diez-Nicolas, Dr. Darwish Al-Emadi, and Prof. Renata Siemienska. Issues that were discussed at the workshop included sampling design; data collection methods; country specific variables and macro-data; archiving, data cleaning and aggregation; period for data embargo; data dissemination and etc.


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