Public Release: Dataset “WVS Wave 1 to 6 Key Aggregates” (time-pooled cross section)
The World Values Survey Association is happy to release the Dataset “WVS Wave 1 to 6 Key Aggregates” (time-pooled cross section). The data-file is a collection of aggregated measures and indexes developed by the WVSA Vice-President Professor Christian Welzel. Values are calculated for all countries included into the WVS wave 1 to 6; depending on the country’s involvement into the WVSA research program, for each country there are from 1 to 6 time points for each index available.
The data-file includes such measures as: Emancipative Values Index and its components (including scores for the cultural map!), Secular Values Index and its components (including scores for the cultural map!), Social Movement Activity, Informational Connectedness, Perceived Stimulation, Cognitive Mobilization, Individual Empowerment, Cool Water Condition, Liberal Understanding of Democracy, Non-liberal Understanding of Democracy, Enlightened Understanding of Democracy, Perceived Democraticness, Democratic Desire, Mobilization Potential (for democratizing pressures), Perceived Fairness, Standard Trust, In-group Trust, Out-group Trust, Unspecific Trust, Genralized Trust, Associational Activity (4 types), Financial Satisfaction, Perceived Health, Perceived Choice, Happiness, Life Satisfaction, Willingness to Fight for your Country. Attachment below described the meaning and scaling for each index.
All values are calculated at national level (country means and country aggregates). To differentiate between cases, the data-file includes variables for country code (numeric), country name (literal), year when the survey took place (numeric), number of the wave within WVS (numeric from 1 to 6). Variable “country-year” consists of 2 parts: last 4 digits represent survey year, first 1-3 digits represent country code (equal to simple “country code” variable). Similar to this, variable “country-wave” consists of 2 parts: last 4 digits represent survey year, first 1 digit represents wave number. The data-file offers also differentiation between 11 cultural zones (“Reformed West”, “New West”, “Old West”, “Returned West”, “Orthodox East”, “Indic East”, “Islamic East”, “Sinic East”, “Latin America”, “Subsaharan Africa”, “Oceania”).
For your questions, please, contact:
Data_Variable_Descriptions.pdf [Download count:4576] [Download count:3814]
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