23 nov 2020

3,...2,...1...We are LIVE! WVS-7 New Data Release is available for downloading now!

Dear WVSA members, friends and colleagues,

The World Values Survey Association  announces the first release of the latest World Values Survey dataset (WVS-7, V1.0). Fieldwork for this 7th wave was conducted from mid-2017 to early-2020.

This includes 77 countries and societies on all inhabited continents around the globe, ranging from Albania, Australia and Argentina to the United States, Vietnam and Zimbabwe, as well as surveys conducted in collaboration with  the European Values Study.  In total, over 129,000 respondents were interviewed for this wave. Geographic coverage has also been expanded to several new countries included for the first time, such as Bolivia, Greece, Myanmar, Nicaragua, and Tajikistan.

Access to the data, similiar to the previous rounds, will be free, with no registration or payments required. With its main mission to facilitate advancement of Social Sciences worldwide, the WVS Association wants to make sure our survey data can equally serve the needs of the academic community in all parts of the world.

WVSA offers our data-sets in SPSS, Stata, SAS and R formats; national country data-sets are also available in Excel. Please, note that we do not send the data-sets by email - you can download all files freely in the "Data and Downloads" section starting July 20. 

All countries surveyed in WVS-7 employ nationwide random probability representative sample designs with the sample size from 1000 to 3200 respondents. More information and further updates are available at the project’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.

Which countries are included so far? As a result of a joint survey effort, the WVS and/or the EVS surveys (sometimes both) have been completed in 78 countries/ territories listed below.

The latest wave of the WVS builds upon the long series of previous surveys conducted since the early-1980s, with the integrated dataset pooling all 7 waves. The core items facilitate the comparison of longitudinal trends and cultural change over four decades, such as on happiness and well-being, post-materialism, and social capital. New items have also been added to this wave on several issues, including online political participation via social media, social trust, and attitudes towards migration.

The WVS-7 dataset includes over 300 indicators, based on the common WVS-7 questionnaire which is standardized across all countries. Macro-level variables for each nation are also included, like the global region, per capita GDP and level of democracy. The WVS-7 questionnaire covers 14 themes:

  • Social values attitudes & stereotypes (45 items);
  • Societal well-being (11 items);
  • Social capital, trust and organizational membership (49 items);
  • Economic values (6 items);
  • Corruption (9 items);
  • Migration (10 items);
  • Post-materialist index (6 items);
  • Science & technology (6 items);
  • Religious values (12 items);
  • Security (21 items);
  • Ethical values & norms (23 items);
  • Political interest and political participation (36 items);
  • Political culture and political regimes (25 items);
  • Demography (31 items).

The survey is conducted by the global network of national Principle Investigators in each country and the work has been generously supported of a wide range of funders, including academies of science, universities, local and international businesses, NGOs and survey research foundations. WVSA expresses gratitude to the core funders in this round, including the University of Stockholm, Sweden; the TrustGov Project at the University of Southampton, UK; the Electoral Integrity Project at the University of Sydney, Australia; the University of Melbourne, Australia; the Institute for Future Studies, Sweden; the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA; the World Bank; and the Inter-American Development Bank. As a result of this support, the dataset can be freely distributed to users such as scholars and students, policy analysts and data journalists without any charge.

The WVS-7 V1.0 dataset is available for download in SPSS, Stata, SAS, and R data formats with the Questionnaire, Codebook, and Technical information.

Please, contact: with any further inquiries. 

Cooperation_WVS__EVS.pdf [Download count:1209]

WVS_EVS_Citation_format_2017-2020.pdf [Download count:592]

WVS_EVS_List_of_countries.pdf [Download count:910]

WVS_wave_7_data_release_announcement_20_07_2020.pdf [Download count:758]

WVS-7_QUESTIONNAIRE_2019-2020_ENGLISH.pdf [Download count:4096]

WVS7_status.pdf [Download count:3285]


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