“Why Electoral Integrity Matters” – a new book
by Pippa Norris available now!
This book is the first in a planned trilogy by Pippa Norris on challenges of electoral integrity to be published by Cambridge University Press. Unfortunately too often elections around the globe are deeply flawed or even fail. Why does this matter? It is widely suspected that such contests will undermine confidence in elected authorities, damage voting turnout, trigger protests, exacerbate conflict, and occasionally lead to regime change. Well-run elections, by themselves, are insufficient for successful transitions to democracy. But flawed, or even failed, contests are thought to wreck fragile progress. Is there good evidence for these claims? Under what circumstances do failed elections undermine legitimacy? With a global perspective, using new sources of data for mass and elite evidence, this book provides fresh insights into these major issues.
Key Features
• Offers a new theoretical framework seeking to explain the impact of electoral integrity on legitimacy, political participation, conflict and security, and regime stability and change;
• Theory is tested empirically among diverse types of societies, using worldwide evidence;
• Develops new concepts, presents new data, and sets a new research agenda in comparative politics
Part I. Introduction:
1. Theories why electoral integrity matters
2. Concepts
3. Evidence
Part II. The Problem of Flawed Elections:
4. International concern about electoral integrity
5. Public perceptions of electoral integrity
Part III. The Consequences of Electoral Integrity:
6. For legitimacy
7. For political behavior
8. For conflict and security
9. For regimes
Part IV. Conclusions:
10. Conclusions: strengthening electoral integrity.
Publication planned for: July 2014
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