New composition of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey Association
Following the recent resignation of the Chair of Scientific Advisory Committee Dr. Darwich Al-Emadi from the University of Qatar, at its recent meeting in July, 2016 SAC has approved the following new nominations:
- Chair of the SAC: Prof. Juan Diez-Nicolas, Spain;
- First Vice-Chair of the SAC: Prof. Yilmaz Esmer, Turkey;
- Second Vice-Chair of the SAC: Prof. Marita Carballo, Argentina;
- Member of the SAC at large: Dr. Fares Braizat, Jordan (co-opted member till the next elections).
All the other current members of the Scientific Advisory Committee keep their positions as members of SAC till the next elections without change.
The Scientific Advisory Committee is the highest advisory board of the WVSA which consists of leading social scientists and market researchers, representing all regions of the world. It is kept informed of all important activities by the executive committee, and it is consulted by the executive committee before major decisions are made. Ten members are elected for renewable six year terms by the voting membership of the WVSA at General Assembly. The primary function of the Scientific Advisory Committee concerns maintaining technical standards to the highest level of scientific knowledge and developing the survey instrument for each wave, in consultation with the Executive Committee and the General Assembly.
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