24 ene 2025

The Ronald F. Inglehart Best Book Award on Political Culture and Values: Call for Nominations for the 2025 Award

Ronald F. Inglehart Best Book Award on Political Culture and Values recognizes original science research publications which both (i) develop theories capturing the contemporary zeitgeist and (ii) utilizes large-scale cross-national survey data monitoring culture to test the comparative evidence. The award carries a cash prize of €750, funded jointly by the WVSA and the Inglehart Family.

Submitting a nomination 

To nominate, please email a formal nomination letter to Nominations must include:

  • Formal nomination letter including book title, author(s), publisher, and year of publication, and the rationale for nominating this book.
  • Book as a PDF file (or arrange for the publisher to submit 3 paper book copies, one for each member of the jury).
  • Links to any reviews (if available).
  • Links to the author(s) Orcid number or online bio.
  • An extended abstract in English (if the book is published in language other than English).


  • Author(s) do not need to be members of the WVSA.
  • The work must be a published scientific monograph by one or more authors.
  • Priority will be given to books that examine cross-cultural differences using cross-sectional and/or longitudinal public opinion survey data.
  • Books must have been published in the five previous calendar years to be eligible for the current awards cycle (i.e. in 2021-2025 for the 2025 prize application).
  • Self-nominations and nominations from publishers are accepted.
  • Edited volumes are eligible (but not textbooks designed primarily for use in the classroom).

Award Jury

Eligible nominations will be reviewed by the award jury. The jury consisting of 3 persons is nominated by the Executive Committee of the WVSA at the beginning of each award year. Members of the jury are not members of the WVSA EC. Nominations for the jury shall be made accounting for gender equality and balanced regional representation.

Award announcement and delivery

Nominations for the 2025 award are accepted from February 1 till September 30, 2025. The winner will be announced in April 2026. The prize winner will be invited to give an annual lecture webinar.

Schedule for subsequent awards:

  Acceptance of nominations opens Acceptance of nominations closes Winner announced
2027 award Feb 1, 2027 Sept 30, 2027 April 2028
2029 award Feb 1, 2029 Sept 30, 2029 April 2030
2031 award Feb 1, 2031 Sept 30, 2031 April 2032

Donations in support of the award

WVSA welcomes donations to support the award fund: Donate via PayPal. To make a donation via a bank transfer, please, contact WVSA Secretariat.


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