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WVS wave 8
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22 abr 2016
New issue of WVSA newsletter available now (March 2016)
19 abr 2016
Designing questionnaires for cross-cultural surveys
The first SERISS training course will be held on 24th-25th October 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The course will be on Designing questionnaires for cross-cultural surveys instructed by Ana Villar (Centre for Comparative Social Surveys, City University London) and Dorothée Behr (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim).
17 abr 2016
First Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey Association
The first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee in wave 7 (2016-2020) took place on April, 13-14 in Taipei, Taiwan at the Center for East Asia Democratic Studies at National Taiwan University. The event was generously hosted and organized with the support of the Asian Barometer Survey. The meeting was attended by Christian Haerpfer (Austria), Juan Diez-Nicolas (Spain), Bi Puranen (Sweden), Seiko Yamazaki (Japan), Linda Guerrero (Phillippines), Ian McAllister (Australia), and Kseniya Kizilova (Austria). The main outcome of the meeting is the collection of Rules and procedures for the WVSA Principal Investigators for wave 7 which wil be distributed after its final approval at the next WVSA meeting in July, 2016.
16 abr 2016
News from WVSA Principal Investigators: new article by Dr Munqith Dagher in Washington Post Monkey Cage
Why Iraqis living under the Islamic State fear their liberators
16 abr 2016
6th LCSR Summer School
6th LCSR Summer School: courses: "Latent Curve Models: a Structural Equation Perspective" with Kenneth Bollen, and "Introduction to SEM and SEM Software" with Boris Sokolov
16 abr 2016
WAPOR Regional Conference "Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change"
The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) will hold a regional conference on 15-17 of September in Moscow, Russia. The conference will be hosted by the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE).
02 abr 2016
Presentation of the book "Belarus: Independence as a National Idea"
A presentation of the book "Belarus: Independence as a National Idea" took place in the Diplomatic Academy if Vienna on 30 March. The event was organized upon the initiative of the Embassy of Belarus in Austria by the Austrian-Belorussian Society, the Institute for Comparative Survey Research "Eurasia Barometer", the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.
02 abr 2016
Lecture on Tolerance in the World by Bi Puranen
Bi Puranen, the Secretary General of the World Values Survey Association (WVSA) gave a lecture to the members of the Union of Stockholm, which showed that in Sweden people have a uniquely tolerant lifestyle compared to the rest of the world countries
02 abr 2016
Ronald Inglehart’s lecture entitled “35 years of Cultural Change: What’s Next?" at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Secretariat of International Political Science Association
The International Political Science Association (IPSA) celebrated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of its permanent Secretariat in Montreal. At this occasion Ronald Inglehart’s gave a lecture entitled “35 years of Cultural Change: What’s Next? During his presentation, Dr. Inglehart focused on the findings of the World Value Survey and European Values Study that have been completed in six waves of surveys on all six inhabited continents, from 1981 to 2012. The upcoming survey will be undertaken in 2017, with Prof. Lachapelle leading the survey in Canada. What makes these surveys so essential, according to Dr. Inglehart is that they create a worldwide network of social scientists who try to gain a better understanding of how to cope with social change and cultural differences.
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